Brutal Assault 2022 - Itt a második adag

Újabb hírlevéllel jelentkezett a cseh Brutal Assault szervezői, amelyben 15 új fellépőt osztottak meg.
Ahab, Alcest, Benighted, Blood Incantation, Cattle Decapitation, Evil Dead, Hangman’s Chair, Igorrr, Leprous, Mass Infection, Misery Index, Nunslaughter, Paradise Lost, Tallah, Urne
Ezzel 95 fellépőt osztottak meg, amely a teljes program 63%-a.
25. Brutal Assault, 2022. augusztus 9-13. Josefov Erőd, Jaroměř
Fellépők: 1914, Abbath, Aborted, Ad Nauseam, Ahab, Alcest, Arcturus, As I Lay Dying, Asphix, At the Gates, Atari Teenage Riot, Beast, Bell Witch, Benighted, Blood Incantation, Bloodbath, Butcher Babies, Cannibal Corpse, Cattle Decapitation, Cluch, Comeback Kid, Conjurer, Dark Funeral, Darkest Hour, Death by Stereo, Die Krupps, Draconis Infernum, Evil Dead, Evoken, Excrementory Grindfuckers, Exhorder, Exhumed, Fleshgod Apocalypse, Front Line Assembly, Frontierer, Fueled By Fire, Gaahls Wyrd, God Mother, Hangman’s Chair, Hentai Corporation, Igorrr, Imperial Triumphant, Insomnium, Katatonia, Leprous, Life of Agony, Lost Society, Manes, Mass Infection, Mayhem, Melt-Banana, Mercyful Fate, Misery Index, Mors Principium Est, Municipal Waste, Mysticum, Nailed to Obscurity, Necrophobic, Necrot, Nekrogoblikon, Nunslaughter, Onslaught, Ottone Pesante, Pallbearer, Paradise Lost, Pensées Nocturnes, Pentagram, Philip H. Anselmo and the Illegals, Phlebotomized, Psycroptic, Psykup, Razor, Regarde Les Hommes Tomber, Rings of Saturn, Rivers of Nihil, Sacred Reich, Sigh, Slagmaur, Soen, Soreption, Static-X, Strigoi, Suffocation, Tallah, The Agonist, The Black Dahlia Murder, Uada, Undergang, Urne, Valkyrja, Venom, Vitriol, Voices, Vola, Winterfylleth
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[2021-12-01 09:57 feltöltő: rasztamas]