Brutal Assault 2022

2022-08-09 (kedd) - 2022-08-13 (szombat) JOSEFOV Katonai Erődítmény, JAROMEŘ (Csehország)
Végre megrendezésre kerül a 2020 óta várva várt 25. Brutal Assault fesztivál.
Idén sem fogunk unatkozni, a fellépők listáját látva.
1914, Abbath, Aborted, Ad Nauseam, Ahab, Alcest, Amenra, Arcturus, Artillery, As I Lay Dying, Asphix, At the Gates, Atari Teenage Riot, Avatar, Aviana, Beast, Benighted, Blood Incantation, Bloodbath, Bloodywood Butcher Babies, Cannibal Corpse, Carnation, Cattle Decapitation, Cluch, Comeback Kid, Conjurer, Cradle of Filth, D.R.I., Dark Funeral, Darkest Hour, Death by Stereo, Decapitated, Devourment, Die Krupps, Dool, Draconis Infernum, Elbe, Evergreen Terrace, Evoken, Excrementory Grindfuckers, Exhorder, Exhumed, Exorcizphobia, Extermination Dismemberment, Faüst, Fleshgod Apocalypse, Front Line Assembly, Frontierer, Gaahls Wyrd, Gaerea, God Mother, Godless Trouth, Hangman’s Chair, Hentai Corporation, Humanity’s Last Breath, Igorrr, Imperial Triumphant, Insania, Insomnium, Jinjer, Katatonia, Korpse, Leprous, Life of Agony, Lorna Shore, Lost Society, Mass Infection, Mayhem, Me and That Man, Melt-Banana, Mercyful Fate, Misery Index, Municipal Waste, Mura, Mysticum, Nailed to Obscurity, Necrophobic, Necrot, Nekrogoblikon, Nunslaughter, Onslaught, Oaranssi Pazuzu, Ottone Pesante, Pallbearer, Panzerfaust, Paradise Lost, Pathology, Pensées Nocturnes, Pentagram, Phlebotomized, Psykup, Pupil Slicer, Regarde Les Hommes Tomber, Rings of Saturn, Rivers of Nihil, Sable Hills, Sacred Reich, Shaam Larein, Sick of it All, Sigh, Skeletons, Skepticism, Skywalker, Slagmaur, Slope, Soen, Sólstafir, Somniate, Soreption, Spaced, Spiritworld, Stellaris, Strigoi, Suffocation, Swallow the Sun, Tesseract, The Agonist, The Devil’s Trade, Thy Catafalque, Uada, Undergang, Unearth, Urne, Valkyrja, Venom, Vio-Lence, Vitriol, Voices, Voivod, Vola, Vulture Industries, Winterfyllet
Bérlet 164 €
[2022-06-12 19:51 feltöltő: bagdiandi]